
The first meeting

Home - The first meeting

The first meeting

This is an initial consult for either you, or you and your ex together, where you get to tell us your story.

You won’t need to bring anything but it is time to tell us what’s keeping you awake at night, what you’re worried about, what you think is going OK and what you think you will need in the future.

We can identify the legal issues. Then we want to talk about your short and long-term goals, and some strategies that might help get you there.

Do you need to live in a particular area? Do you want your children to stay at the same school? Do you want to go to Bali every winter school holidays? Do you work FIFO so time with your kids is hard? Where is the money going to come from?

These are things a traditional legal process usually won’t take into account, but they matter to you so they matter to us.

We understand the legal processes and options, your rights and entitlements. With that knowledge we can work with you to achieve what you are trying to do and prioritise what is important to you and your family.

We identify the options available to you and then help you make a decision about which is the right path for you to follow from here.

​After meeting you we will propose a settlement strategy and give you a fixed fee quote for what the work involved would cost.


If it’s over

and you need some info,

Download our free eBook, with practical advice on navigating the early stages of your break-up

Download Now


or you need a chat,

We had a chatbot but its not like talking to a real person – give us a call or send an email with any questions and we will do our best to get back to you the same day.

or want to get started,


Schedule Appointment